Alpha Capital has helped 100's of homeowners and landlords like you, sell their home with a quick closing, no fees, no repairs, and at a fair price
We strive to get your dreams funded
Our offers are AS-IS so you don't have to watch another dollar go down the drain in endless repairs
From paperwork to dealing with relocation, we’ll handle the headaches so you don’t have to.
Pick your timeline, close on your schedule, and get your cash: fast!
Save thousands of dollars worth of realtor commissions, repairs, and fees.
Request an offer and our team will reach out for home details
Receive a custom offer that is tailored to your timeline and specific needs
If you accept our offer, we will pay you cash with a reputable title company
Every purchase we make is about ensuring our homeowners get funded not just on their equity, but their dreams
Alpha took care of making sure I had a home in Florida to purchase and even helped cover my attorney fees...
My parents had fear of selling with a realtor and showing their house 1000+ times, Julian made their emotional move simple...
Every other investor/realtor made excuses about not getting to sell our house, Alpha Capital purchased it in less than 2 months...
Julian gave us a great price for our house and helped us move to South Jersey, he's helping my brother now...
It's hard to find cash buyers that have empathy, but these guys really go the extra mile in accommodating their clients...
They helped me offload a rental property I had in Jersey...highly recommend them...
I didn't think I would get the amount of cash I did and still not have to pay any realtor fee's when moving... the best!.
Answers we've provided homeowners that choose Alpha Capital
We can typically close within 15 to 45 days. This is in large part with our local knowledge and connections that include reputable title companies.
When you speak with us, you'll learn about different ways we can get you to close on your terms and at a fair price. We also work with a vast network of finance partners that help us get creative.
A realtor typically charges 6% to show your home weekend after weekend and let's be honest - it doesn't always get you the results you want. Our solution guarantees ZERO realtor fees saving you tens of thousands of dollars.
If you're in New Jersey - the answer is yes! You're working with a team of Jersey-born real estate buyers.